WhatsApp allow VoIP calls service activation

how to call online whats aap new feature calling free new whatsappAfter the great impact that had the WhatsApp calls service activation at the end of last week, the company decided to cut the tap 24 hours later. As has been able to confirm the MovilZona team, the activation of the call service again operational. However, we again have the same restrictions to activate WhatsApp calls limited to Android smartphones. We then explain the steps necessary to enter the phase of testing of calls VoIP messaging app.
Since last Friday WhatsApp had not returned to offer news about the activation of the calling service. Many interested users tried it for days and tried all kinds of recommendations, but how it was impossible to enter the testing phase. However, new today and without notice the veda opens to activate WhatsApp calls.
Check that it works
MovilZona team has wanted to see the news by inviting multiple users. The result has been positive and these have begun to enjoy the service. However, the activation process it is necessary to carry out a series of steps.
Only available with the 2.11.561 version of WhatsApp
As we have indicated on other occasions, it is necessary to have an Android smartphone. It is also imperative to upgrade WhatsApp application to the latest version. However, this time they do not serve the versions available in the website of WhatsApp both Google Play. For such purpose, it is essential to install the latest beta of filtered, which is identified with the reference 2.11.561. And it is available on the official website the version 2.11.560, with which we have been unable to activation of the calling service. On the other hand, with the available in the repositories of apkmirror (in which appears the signature and MD5 code that authenticates the application) if that has been possible for the activation of the service.
Steps to follow
To carry out the installation of the application is recommended to previously uninstall the previous version, taking care to us clear the cache from the section of applications, in the system settings section above. If you want to keep the chat and discussions generated throughout the day today it is advisable to make a backup of the talks. This option is available in the chat of WhatsApp settings section, own the app settings section. In the same way you must sure be able to install the apk file by disabling the option of installing applications from unknown origins, option available in the Security section, in the system settings.
Once the installation now only needed another user with active duty to perform a WhatsApp VoIP call to the contact that you want to start enjoying calls. This will automatically have WhatsApp calls. The user shall receive it for the phone icon that appears in the upper section of the chat, in addition to the new section created for the call log.
Download watsapp latest version from whatsapp official site not from play store