Now-a-days many accidents occur due to intense traffic. It is very difficult for blind people for path finding without others help. This project helps to facilitate blind people in path clearing assistance and obstacle detection.  In this project we are using an IR transmitter and Receiver circuit based path clearing assist cap. Path clearing assist cap is used to detect any obstacles. If any obstacle is found, the IR light will be reflected back and sensed by IR receiver and sends a signal to the buzzer driver circuit, which produces buzzer sound near hand.  This projects works very well even in night and day timings, irrespective of the lighting intensity. This project is reliable and effective. This project uses regulated 5V, 750mA power supply. Unregulated 12V DC is used for relay. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer. This project can be powered by a simple 9V battery also for portability.

Block Diagram : 

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